Father & Daughter

Thinking of my dad… I tried to illustrate us more than 30 years ago…
In case you are wondering why he’s wearing a helmet but not her, actually that’s a rain flat cap. There was not such thing as helmet at that time when i grew up in Malaysia. :)

This illustration is available to license exclusively through iStockphoto.

New portfolio site

For those who still follow my little blog here, I’d like to announce that I’ve launched my new portfolio site. I had wanted to do it for a very long time, so I’m very excited and pleased to say that I finally have it and ready for the world to see. I invite you to stop by, send me comments or let me know if you are interested in working with me.



Homemade cupcakes

The first cupcakes i made from scratch for my boys on Valentine’s Day. : ) The recipes are from the book Cupcakes from the Primrose Bakery my mother-in-law gave it to me last Christmas. It all went very well except my kitchen and myself were covered in icing sugar dust by beating the 500g of icing sugar all at once!