Last-Minute Valentine’s Day card and a keepsake bookmark

This last-minute Valentine’s Day card are super easy to put together and best of all it’s a keepsake bookmark. They won’t take you too much time and it definitely don’t look last-minute…at least to me. :) You could write a little message or a secret message in the bookmark.



For Origami Heart Bookmark instruction, click here.



Cut a slit on the card that’s long enough to insert the bookmark.
The bookmark is long, i fold it in half and tuck it under
the heart shape so the end doesn’t stick out at the bottom of the card.



And here’s how it looks on a book.

Super easy enough right? I think it’s great for your friends or family who love to read too. Happy Valentine’s Day! x

6″ x 6″ Chiyogami paper, cut into half, you can make 2 origami heart bookmarks.
10″ x 5″ card stock, fold in half to make a 5″ x 5″ card
a craft knife to cut the slit